Over €4million boost for rural Laois development under newly launched LEADER scheme 

The announcement of over €4million funding for rural development projects in Laois was celebrated recently in the offices of Laois Partnership Company, at the official launch of the LEADER Local Development Strategy 2023 – 2027. 

Members of the community from across County Laois and beyond attended a packed event in the Laois Partnership Company headquarters on the New Road in Portlaoise, where they were welcomed by Laois Partnership Company CEO Caroline Lydon, who was MC for the evening.  

Chairman, Laurence Phelan, outlined the company’s steadfast commitment to a bottom-up, community approach. He acknowledged the importance of ongoing collaborations with other agencies, particularly Laois County Council, in supporting local development projects across the County. 

The audience were then given a detailed overview of the LEADER strategy by Rural Development Programmes Manager Brian Kelly, who explained that the LEADER programme has been operating in Ireland and across EU Member States since 1991, with a keen focus on rural development.  

CEO Caroline Lydon and Members of the Senior Management Team for LPC – Brian Kelly, Marion Griffith and Peter Ormond.

LEADER is a community-led approach to local development funded through Ireland’s CAP Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027, financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) with funding administered via the Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD). 

During the presentation, two previous beneficiaries of the LEADER project were introduced, so that they could share their experience and tips with other potential applicants.  

The first was Johanna Steenkist of Camross Parish Development Association, who received €70,691 grant aid to assist with the fit-out of a community building in Camross as a multipurpose village hub. Johanna delivered an informative presentation on the boon to the village that this funding provided, with the natural allure of Camross Community Park also highlighted. 

A further presentation was made by Barry Fingleton, who along with his wife Kyra runs the award-winning holiday destination Glamping Under The Stars. Like the Camross Parish Development Association, this thriving local business was a recipient of LEADER support under the 2014 – 2020 scheme, and Barry shared images from this picturesque retreat in the Cullenagh area of Portlaoise. 

The onsite launch of the strategy was followed by an online launch event, at which David Walsh-Kemmis of Ballykilcavan Brewing Company, another past recipient of LEADER support, gave a presentation on this family-owned farm and brewery based near Stradbally. 

Attendees received a copy of the Summary Document, outlining the themes and subthemes that will be supported during the lifetime of this programme.  

The new programme will build on the achievements of previous LEADER funding and will continue to support a wide range of sectors including farm diversification, small and medium enterprise, rural youth, heritage, town and village renewal, community facilities and amenities, renewable energy and environmental projects.  

For more information on LEADER, please contact [email protected], or for a copy of the LEADER Local Development Strategy 2023-2027 Summary Document, just click here.