New Arrivals

A warm welcome, fostering an inclusive environment

Welcoming refugees into our community is not just an act of kindness, it is a commitment to building a more inclusive and cohesive society. Through our New Arrivals Support Programme, we strive to provide comprehensive support to refugees living in Laois, ensuring they have the resources and assistance needed to thrive in their new environment, including English language support.


  1. Holistic Support: The New Arrivals Support Programme aims to provide holistic support for refugees, addressing their medical, educational, and cultural needs, while also facilitating access to job opportunities and housing, fostering a sense of belonging and security.
  2. Community Integration: We organise and deliver local events that support integration, providing opportunities for refugees to connect with their new community, build relationships, and embrace Irish culture, enhancing their sense of belonging and unity.
  3. Critical Assistance: Our programme responds to critical transport needs that may arise for newcomers, ensuring they have access to essential services and support, while also facilitating their integration into communities across Laois

Join us in embracing diversity and fostering unity as we support refugees in their journey towards integration and belonging. Contact us today to learn more about how the New Arrivals Support Programme can make a difference in the lives of newcomers in Laois.

This service assists members of new communities on arrival in Laois, responding to critical transport needs that may arise from time to time and supporting integration into communities across the county.

Benefits of working with Laois Partnership

Dedicated Specialist

A specialist will work with you to identify a programme, course & resource to benefit you and guide you through it.

Innovative Approaches

Through initiatives like SICAP & LEADER, LPC employ locally-led strategies to address persistent levels of deprivation.

Comprehensive Services

From childcare and youth programs to mental health and addiction support, we  have services tailored to your needs.