Birchgrove Afterschool

Supporting parents and guardians

Birchgrove Afterschool, based at Birchgrove Community Centre, Portlaoise, provides quality, affordable afterschool services to children aged four to 12 years in the local community who are accessing Community Childcare Subvention Plus (CCSP) and National Childcare Scheme (NCS).  

It is a community service and is classified as a part-time service under the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) (Registration of School Age Services) Regulations 2018. It is open 48 weeks per year from September to August, catering for 36 children at any one time and operating a ratio of 1:12 for our part time and sessional service.   

By availing of these part time afterschool services to local people, parents can access training, education and employment opportunities. Our service runs from 1pm to 6pm, offering afterschool care to children who attend the local primary schools to assist them with homework and providing an action-packed summer and Easter camp. These camps include arts and crafts, dance lessons, sports skills and a weekly trip.  

For more information on how to access the afterschool services, contact Thérése Ryan, Childcare Manager, on 087 1777897 or email [email protected]. 

List of policies that inform the work of the service

  • Policy on infection control
  • Policy on managing behaviour
  • Complaints policy
  • Dropping off and collection policy
  • Fire safety policy
  • Medication management policy

Benefits of working with Laois Partnership

Dedicated Specialist

A specialist will work with you to identify a programme, course & resource to benefit you and guide you through it.

Innovative Approaches

Through initiatives like SICAP & LEADER, LPC employ locally-led strategies to address persistent levels of deprivation.

Comprehensive Services

From childcare and youth programs to mental health and addiction support, we  have services tailored to your needs.

Features of Laois Partnership Initiatives

1 SICAP Implementation: Laois Partnership spearhead the roll out of SICAP across Laois, leveraging targeted interventions to tackle deprivation effectively.

2 Diverse Support Programmes: Range of services, including childcare support, after-school programmes, mental health initiatives, addiction recovery projects, and more.

3 Community-Centric Approach: With a deep understanding of local dynamics, we tailor our efforts to meet the unique challenges faced by different communities.

4 Strengthen Communities: Through SICAP we aim to strengthen local communities, supporting them to speak for issues that affect them.

5 Non-Judgemental: Laois Partnership delivers support and opportunity to all Laois people without judgement

6 Free of Charge: Advice, guidance and community involvement all available to you without costing you a penny.