Work Placement

Features of Laois Partnership Initiatives

1 SICAP Implementation: Laois Partnership spearhead the roll out of SICAP across Laois, leveraging targeted interventions to tackle deprivation effectively.

2 Diverse Support Programmes: Range of services, including childcare support, after-school programmes, mental health initiatives, addiction recovery projects, and more.

3 Community-Centric Approach: With a deep understanding of local dynamics, we tailor our efforts to meet the unique challenges faced by different communities.

4 Strengthen Communities: Through SICAP we aim to strengthen local communities, supporting them to speak for issues that affect them.

5 Non-Judgemental: Laois Partnership delivers support and opportunity to all Laois people without judgement

6 Free of Charge: Advice, guidance and community involvement all available to you without costing you a penny.